Well, today went reasonably well and I managed to get up twice. On the first flight, I flew quite a few loops and a couple of rolls. My rolls definitely work better with a dab of rudder, but I need to try right hand rolls next time. It started out as a clear day but clouds rolled in after about 25 mins so I decided to land and hand over to majority owner Adam. Adam went up for a non-aerobatic flight and came back after 30 mins with a huge grin on his face!
There were a lot of clouds in the sky but I thought what the hell, I'll give it another go and see if I can find a space. The only problem with this idea is that the Nipper has no starter and isn't fitted with inverted systems, so if the engine quits, down you go! This means that if I want to do aero's then I need to be over an airfield really...
As I lifted off, cloud was blowing in to cover Marham so I headed north to try in the East Winch overhead, but even here, I was hemmed in by clouds and couldn't get any higher than 4000'. If I was happy to do aero's in any old place then I could have hunted for a bigger gap, but for now I'll stick with over an airfield! With this in mind, I wasn't happy doing rolls as I am not consistent yet and end up coming out of them at high speed and all angles! I only managed 2 loops and then called it a day, threading my way through the gaps into Marham's ATZ in a power cruise for an uneventful landing. Can't wait to try again on a day with clear skies!!!
My video (above) is pretty poor, but it was taken holding my cameraphone in one hand while looping with the other, so not ideal, but it gives something of a feel anyway...