Friday, 4 June 2010

04 June Finally - stall turns and some bloody fast spins!

I've flown KI 7 times since my last post on 25th May (including twice today) but haven't updated the blog as to be honest, I haven't really done anything notable. That changed today as I headed up through a grotty inversion layer into beautiful clear skies above 4000'. Finally conditions were ideal for a decent attempt at mastering the stall turn, so continuing up to 6000' (just to be extra safe) I did the HASELL checks and gritted my teeth...

Not sure whether it's just familiarity (and currency) with the aircraft, improved handling on my part or a combination of the two, but stall turning seemed to go very well today - unlike my previous abortions. I can't promise that a hypothetical observer would have given me top marks for appearance, but I managed to get the Nipper vertical, throttle back, apply full right rudder with a reasonable amount of opposite aileron and round she went. I did this quite a few times in a row and all went pretty much the same. I was literally whooping for joy during each one and felt genuine satisfaction.
I think the stall turn has been more challenging than the other manoeuvres I've flown because it isn't as natural feeling - I can't explain it any better than that (sorry!). I can honestly say that I can loop and aileron roll all day now, with a Chandelle at each end of the runway for good measure. My 1/2 cubans and reverse 1/2 cubans are ragged and inconsistent but I'm having lots of fun trying to get them right!

As for spinning, I have discovered that the Nipper is awkward to spin consistently, particularly to the left. In a spin to the right (with the engine), you have to be dogged in holding pro spin rudder; initially, it turns in gently and even with full back stick shows a tendency to come out, but if you persevere, it suddenly tightens up and you get one hell of a rate of rotation which is much, much faster than the Citabria. I still don't know why, but spinning is my favourite manoeuvre, maybe because it is just so instantly gratifying and quite dramatic!
Suffice to say, I'm still loving aerobatics. My goals for the future will require another lesson as I'd like to try flat and inverted spinning and also barrel rolls. I'm REALLY looking forward to that!

Oh, and I really MUST sort out a camera mount and get some video to post!!!