Sunday 31 January 2010

31st Jan 2010 - Cocking up the stall turn...

I had a smashing little flight today in clear blue skies over Marham. I thought that I'd have a go at stall turns but couldn't quite get things right! Diving to 110mph, I pulled up to the vertical, fed in a bootful of rudder and round she went, but instead of a neat 'inverted U shape', it seemed to mush over backwards a bit, despite my checking forwards at the vertical. Mind you, it proved the value of having done U.P.'s on Thursday! I basically braced all controls, let things sort themselves out and when it was settled, had another go. Loops, rolls and chandelles all went well, I just need more practice on stall turns. I guess, like all things aerobatic, practice makes perfect! Hopefully I will get up again next weekend if the weather's ok. Can't wait for the clocks to go forward - roll on spring!